Mould Remediation | Melbourne Forensic Cleaning

    Mould exists as spores in air – it takes particular conditions – warmth and moisture to allow it to grow. In small quantities it may not be harmful, however as it continues to cover surfaces it will cause illness to those exposed to this microbial contamination. Mould Cleaning and remediation cost will vary and depend heavily on how much mould there is in your home, the kind of mould and the size of area contaminated with mould including contents.

    IICRC Trained and Certified Mould Removal and Restoration Technicians

    The first stage is cleaning up mould is to determine why it is growing. Is there water damage or a moisture problem causing the mould? Until the source is determined, there is no point trying to clean the mould as it will certainly grow back until the source is discovered. Spores will spread to contents and you will have a real battle on your hands. The more mould you have and the more contents affected by mould, the more it will cost to clean and remediate. Mould testing will cost approximately $70-100 per sample and results are normally received within 3-5 working days from the lab. Air samples should always be taken when testing mould in a property, it is recommended that an indoor air-sample and an outdoor air-sample be taken to compare.

    Mould spores when released become airborne and although you cannot see them in the air, they are there and you are most likely breathing them into your lungs, HEPA air-scrubbers are used to clean the air during remediation. Zip walls are also installed between rooms with a negative air system to ensure each room is cleaned without any cross contamination occurring. To have your house tested for mould, we will need to send out an advanced microbial remediation technician to take samples of the air and surfaces. The only real way to determine if you have a harmful type of mould in your home is to have it tested by a lab. Some types of mould are especially toxic and release cytoxins into the air that can cause serious respiratory problems.

    mould remediation melbourne

    Expert Mould Restoration and Mould Removal Technicians servicing all regions in Victoria

    Regardless of how big or small you mould problem may seem, it is always recommended you employ an experienced and trained team of specialist mould removal experts. Melbourne Forensic Cleaning has a tried and proven method of mould removal. By following stringent procedures, our team of mould removal experts can ensure the safety of our non-toxic, non-allergenic products and provide ongoing protection to help prevent re-infection of the affected areas. We use advanced moisture-testing equipment on the building structure to determine its moisture content. After a thorough investigation, we then bring in specialised airflow equipment that ensures mould spores are contained and the job is completed in the most efficient way. Finally we determine the correct drying method for the situation and specify the most appropriate drying equipment. The last stage is a rigorous programme of clearance testing to ensure your mould-affected property is safe for habitation. Our mould remediation services are available across Victoria and include not only Melbourne but also Geelong, Torquay, Warrnambool, Ballarat, Shepparton, Wodonga, Warragul, Traralgon, Sale & Bendigo.

    Melbourne Forensic Cleaning Service Areas